Cancer mortality rates have been steadily declining in the United States for several decades; however, certain types of cancer remain stubbornly lethal, with the lowest five-year survival rates. Effective screening tests are not available for many of these cancers, resulting in the late detection and diagnosis of advanced-stage malignancies for which there is a lack of available therapies with curative potential. The ability to detect and diagnose aggressive precursor lesions or early-stage cancers will be critical to ensuring long-term survival outcomes. Unfortunately, significant advances in early cancer detection and disease interception remain elusive.
To encourage innovation in research that enables the detection of the deadliest cancers at earlier stages when they can be intercepted or effectively treated, the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), the Lustgarten Foundation, and The Mark Foundation for Cancer Research announce this Request for Proposals for projects focused on accelerating the development of effective new approaches to the early detection of cancer.
The projects funded through this initiative will advance our understanding of the origins and risk stratification of recalcitrant cancers and accelerate the development of technological and methodological innovation in early cancer detection and interception. It is recognized that significant barriers to the development and clinical implementation of early detection biomarkers exist, partly due to the need for rigorous testing within randomized clinical trials. Ideas that are broadly applicable to early detection across multiple cancer types are encouraged, including the development of novel clinical trial statistical methodologies that aim to assess the validity of early detection biomarkers.
Each submitted LOI must be a maximum of two pages (including figures and tables) and must contain the following information:
Following the LOI review phase, selected applicants whose LOIs are deemed most meritorious will receive additional information and guidelines on how to submit full applications for funding consideration.
Upon submission, all full applications will be reviewed and considered by an international group of experts appointed by the American Association for Cancer Research, the Lustgarten Foundation, and The Mark Foundation for Cancer Research. Following all scientific review committee deliberations, successful grantees will be informed of their selection for funding.
The application process will begin with the submission of a letter of intent (LOI) consisting of a 2-page description of the proposed research project. The LOI submission portal will open on January 17th and will close to submissions on March 10, 2025.