Drug Discovery Award

The Mark Foundation for Cancer Research Drug Discovery Awards are designed to accelerate the trajectory of converting promising scientific discoveries into therapeutics that will benefit cancer patients. Drug Discovery Awards provide critical resources for projects along the continuum from target identification to preclinical development, with the ultimate goal of bringing new drug candidates into the clinic. The program is open to academic investigators or teams as well as companies, and encompasses multiple therapeutic modalities, including small molecules, antibodies, and cell therapies.

A key feature of Drug Discovery Awards is the unprecedented level of support provided to the selected projects. The Mark Foundation’s scientific team and network of advisors have extensive pharmaceutical industry experience that enables them to give expert scientific and technical guidance in the drug development process. MFCR has also established collaborations with contract research organizations and other industry partners who can provide access to state-of-the-art drug discovery and development capabilities.

Drug Discovery Awards are driven by milestones; both timelines and budgets will reflect a realistic estimate of the proposed work. Typical projects run for 1–3 years with up to $500,000 per year contributed by The Mark Foundation.

More information about our Drug Discovery Awards program will be available later this year.


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